Sunday, April 12, 2020

CRP - Key Considerations for Research

Determine the key considerations are for planning and undertaking research

Issues that can be encountered in research 
  • poor time management
  • dauted by the scale of the task
  • negative beliefs 
  • loss of motivation
  • perfectionism
  • difficulty concentrating
  • need to feel under pressure
  • personal problems


Career & Professional Development | University of Denver. (2015). 5 Important Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Dissertation Research Topics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Apr. 2020]. (2020). Planning and conducting a dissertation research project — University of Leicester. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Apr. 2020].

CRP - Research Type - Grounded Theory

Grounded Theory

  • It involves the collection of data and the analysis of data.
  • The grounded means analysis and development of theories that happen after the person has collected the data
  • It is a method that is generally used that can be applied to many areas of research
In order to start this grounded theory, the person should:
  1. Identify the interest of the area
  2. Avoid the preconceived theories and only focus on the data
  3. Use theoretical sensitivity which is an awareness of subtle messages and the meanings of the data
Most commonly uses the data collection methods for:
  1. Interview with open-ended questions
  2. Observation (fieldwork) or focus groups
  3. Study of artifacts and texts

Features of grounded theory:
  1. The collection of data and analysis occur simultaneously
  2. The categories and analytical codes are developed from the data. The pre-existing conceptualisations not to be used which are known as the theoretical sensitivity. 
  3. Theoretical sampling is used to refine the categories
  4. Abstract categories constructed inductively
  5. Social processes discovered in the data
  6. Analytical memos are used between the coding and writing
  7. The categories integrated into a theoretical framework

The aim of this grounded theory is to discover problems in the given business environment and it is also how the parties handling the problems. It is also aiming to formulate, test and reformulate prepositions until the theory is developed. 

Statistics How To. 2020. Grounded Theory: Simple Definition and Examples - Statistics How To. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 April 2020].

Noble, H. and Mitchell, G. (2016). What is grounded theory?. Evidence Based Nursing, 19(2), pp.34-35.

Research-Methodology. (2020). Grounded Theory - Research-Methodology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Apr. 2020].

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

CRP - Research Objectives

Types of research objectives:

General objectives
  • Provide a detailed view of the aims of the study
  • Provide a general overview of the study
Specific objectives
  • Define the main aim of the study
  • Is the essence of the study 
  • Give the main idea because they provide focus to the study

Types of qualities of research objectives

  1. Describe the variable that is measure by the study
  2. Stated in a logical sequence
  3. Clear 
  4. Specific
  5. Measurable
  6. Attainable
  7. Realistic
  8. Time-bound


Objectives, T. (2017). Types of Research Objectives - Reading Craze. [online] Reading Craze. Available at: [Accessed 9 Apr. 2020].

Mmassy (2012). Research objectives. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Apr. 2020].

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

CRP - Research Objectives and Proposal

The diagram above is the example of research proposal, it must include the due date of the project or a research and the title. The body of the research proposal must be divided according to the task that need to be done. Include introduction of the research, methods of research, the result and discussion, and also the presentation. 

The objectives are the listing down the objectives of the research and to achieve the objectives

Monday, November 11, 2019

Network Security - Designing a network

Lab 4:

  • 1 Projector
  • 1 Projector Screen
  • 30 Computers
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Printer
  • 1 WiFi
  • 2 CCTV

Lecturer Room 1:

  • 8 Computers
  • 1 Switch
  • 2 CCTV
  • 1 WiFi

Lecturer Room 2:

  • 4 Computers
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 CCTV
  • 1 WiFi

Theater Room:

  • 1 Projector
  • 1 Projector Screen
  • 1 WiFi
  • 2 CCTV

Classroom 2:

  • 1 Projector
  • 1 Projector Screen
  • 2 CCTV
  • 1 Computer 

Lab 7:

  • 1 WiFi
  • 31 PC
  • 1 Projector
  • 1 Projector Screen
  • 1 Printer
  • 1 Switch
  • 3 CCTV

The diagram above:
Classroom 2:
  • 1 Projector
  • 1 Projector Screen
  • 12 Tables
  • 1 Computer
  • 1 Switch
  • 2 CCTV

Lab 7:
  • 5 Computers
  • 1 Projector 
  • 1 Projector Screen
  • 1 Printer
  • 1 Wireless hub
  • 1 Router
  • 1 Switch
  • 3 CCTV

Lab 4:
  • 5 Computers
  • 1 Printer
  • 1 Wireless hub
  • 1 Projector
  • 1 Projector Screen
  • 2 CCTV
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Router

Lecturer Room 1:
  • 6 Computers
  • 1 Wireless hub
  • 1 Router
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Telephone 
  • Pantry

Lecturer Room 2:
  • 4 Computers
  • 1 Telephone
  • 1 Router
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Wireless hub

Theater Room:
  • 12 Tables
  • 1 Projector
  • 1 Projector Screen
  • 1 Wireless hub
  • 1 Router
  • 1 Switch
  • 2 CCTV

TV Room

Network Security Devices:
  • Anti-virus
  • Router VPN
  • Firewall
  • Email Security

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Business Intelligence - System and Technologies

Explain each system and include the features, advantages and disadvantages. Identify in which level does it operate. Provide diagram where necessary.

Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
  • It is an information processing system for business transaction that involves the collection, modification, and retrieval of transaction data
  • Characteristics, include performance, reliability, and consistency
  • Example: Credit card transactions
  • Reliability 
Failure rates must be low
If failure occurs, the recovery must be quick
  • Controlled processing
Support the organization's operations
TPS should maintain the requirements of the roles and responsibility's operation

Management Information System (MIS)

  • It is a computer system consists of hardware and software serves as the backbone of an organization's operation
  • Gathers and collect data from multiple online systems, analyzes information, and reports the data to aid in the management decision making

  • Flexible
Should allow to analyze and evaluate the data from the multiple sources as needed 
  • Easy to use
  • Collaborative
Using MIS should facilitate the communication between managers and staff throughout the organization
  • Versatile
Should be able to support the different skills and knowledge

Decision Support Systems (DSS)

  • It is a computer program application that analyzes the business data and presents it for the users that can make business decision easily
  • An informational application 
  • May present the information graphically and may include an expert system or artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Aimed at business executives or some other group of knowledge workers.
  • Example: Process loan application

  • Designed to facilitate decision processes
  • Should support automate decision making
  • Should be able to respond fast to the changing the need to decision makers

  1. Facilitation. DSS facilitate and support specific decision-making activities and/or decision processes.

  2. Interaction. DSS are computer-based systems designed for interactive use by decision makers or staff users who control the sequence of interaction and the operations performed.

  3. Ancillary. DSS can support decision makers at any level in an organization. They are NOT intended to replace decision makers.

  4. Repeated Use. DSS are intended for repeated use. A specific DSS may be used routinely or used as needed for ad hoc decision support tasks.

  5. Task-oriented. DSS provide specific capabilities that support one or more tasks related to decision-making, including: intelligence and data analysis; identification and design of alternatives; choice among alternatives; and decision implementation.

  6. Identifiable. DSS may be independent systems that collect or replicate data from other information systems OR subsystems of a larger, more integrated information system.

  7. Decision Impact. DSS are intended to improve the accuracy, timeliness, quality and overall effectiveness of a specific decision or a set of related decisions.

Expert Systems (ES)

  • It is a computer program designed to emulate and mimic the human intelligence, skills or behavior. 
  • Developed by using artificial intelligence concepts, tools, and technologies, and possess expert knowledge in a specific field, topic, or skill.


  • Good reliability - must be as reliable as a human expert
  • Understandable - able to explain the steps of reasoning while executing. Should have an explanation capability that is similar to the ability of human experts


References: (2019). What is a Transaction Process System (TPS)? - Definition from Techopedia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019]. (2019). Advantages and Disadvantages Transaction Processing System TPS Advantages Batch | Course Hero . [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019].

Shopify. (2019). Management Information Systems (MIS) Definition - What is Management Information Systems (MIS). [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019].

SearchCIO. (2019). What is decision support system (DSS)? - Definition from [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019]. (2019). What is an Expert System? - Definition from Techopedia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2019]. (2019). Types of Information System: TPS, DSS & Pyramid Diagram. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2019]. (2019). 1. Characteristics of transaction processing systems - Transaction&processingsystems. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2019]. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2019].

Daniel J. Power, P. (2019). Ask Dan! about DSS - What are characteristics of a decision support system?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2019].

System, C. (2019). Characteristics of an Expert System. [online] BrainKart. Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2019].

Monday, November 4, 2019

Network Planning - Proof of Concept

How to design a secured network (methods)
  1. Identify the network assets (hardware, software, employee)
  2. Analyze the security risks (hackers)
  3. Analyze the security requirements (backup)
  4. Develop a security plan (plan if any of the security risk happen)
  5. Define a security policy (rules of the security, example do not change the settings of the computer)
  6. Develop the procedure for applying the security policies
  7. Develop a technical implementation strategy
  8. Train the users, managers, and technical staff
  9. Implement the technical strategy and security procedures
  10. Test the security and update it if any problems are found
  11. Maintain security

The different types of network security designs that will aid good network security
Antivirus and Anti malware Software
  • Both of these, antivirus and anti malware can only detect viruses or malware, and then it will removes the threat and fixes the damage.

Application Security
  • It is the software to secure the loopholes of our application from the perpetrators. 
  • It tracks the procedure of finding our application's vulnerabilities, after then it fixes and preventing them from any cyber attack.
  • Uses software, hardware, and processes to keep the assets intact.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • It is a technology, responsible to secure the communication network of an organization.
  • To protect the sensitive data.
  • Nowadays, employees in an organization are prohibited to upload, forward, or print critical information in an unprotected manner. 

Email Security
  • Popular medium to spread threats such as the malware, spams, and phishing attack.
  • Social engineering methodologies make these threats appear genuine and sophisticated.
  • Email application security is used to secure the access and the data of an email account by blocking the incoming attacks and controls the outbound messages.

  • Monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic that are based on a set of predefined rules
  • Is a barrier that separates the trusted networks from the untrusted.
  • Can be a hardware or a software.

Network Access Control (NAC)
  • Strengthen the network by controlling its access,
  • By blocking the non compliant endpoint devices, it can save the network from any potential security breaches.

Wireless Security
  • It is become another channel for security breaches.
  • With wireless security makes it very challenging for any of the unauthorized access to the damage of the data that is stored in any devices.


EC-Council Official Blog. (2019). What Is Network Security? Types of Network Security - EC-Council Official Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2019].

Oppenheimer, P. (2019). Developing Network Security Strategies > Network Security Design. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2019].

CRP - Key Considerations for Research

Determine the key considerations are for planning and undertaking research Issues that can be encountered in research  poor time mana...