Monday, November 4, 2019

Network Planning - Proof of Concept

How to design a secured network (methods)
  1. Identify the network assets (hardware, software, employee)
  2. Analyze the security risks (hackers)
  3. Analyze the security requirements (backup)
  4. Develop a security plan (plan if any of the security risk happen)
  5. Define a security policy (rules of the security, example do not change the settings of the computer)
  6. Develop the procedure for applying the security policies
  7. Develop a technical implementation strategy
  8. Train the users, managers, and technical staff
  9. Implement the technical strategy and security procedures
  10. Test the security and update it if any problems are found
  11. Maintain security

The different types of network security designs that will aid good network security
Antivirus and Anti malware Software
  • Both of these, antivirus and anti malware can only detect viruses or malware, and then it will removes the threat and fixes the damage.

Application Security
  • It is the software to secure the loopholes of our application from the perpetrators. 
  • It tracks the procedure of finding our application's vulnerabilities, after then it fixes and preventing them from any cyber attack.
  • Uses software, hardware, and processes to keep the assets intact.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • It is a technology, responsible to secure the communication network of an organization.
  • To protect the sensitive data.
  • Nowadays, employees in an organization are prohibited to upload, forward, or print critical information in an unprotected manner. 

Email Security
  • Popular medium to spread threats such as the malware, spams, and phishing attack.
  • Social engineering methodologies make these threats appear genuine and sophisticated.
  • Email application security is used to secure the access and the data of an email account by blocking the incoming attacks and controls the outbound messages.

  • Monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic that are based on a set of predefined rules
  • Is a barrier that separates the trusted networks from the untrusted.
  • Can be a hardware or a software.

Network Access Control (NAC)
  • Strengthen the network by controlling its access,
  • By blocking the non compliant endpoint devices, it can save the network from any potential security breaches.

Wireless Security
  • It is become another channel for security breaches.
  • With wireless security makes it very challenging for any of the unauthorized access to the damage of the data that is stored in any devices.


EC-Council Official Blog. (2019). What Is Network Security? Types of Network Security - EC-Council Official Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2019].

Oppenheimer, P. (2019). Developing Network Security Strategies > Network Security Design. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2019].

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