Monday, October 14, 2019

Network Security - Type of hacker

Academic Hacker

It is an action of hacking the academic or any institution. This is mostly done by either by the student or anyone in order to get what they want (to change their grades, or to know what is on the exam paper).

Below is the article of academy hacker:

Bill Demirkapi
A few short decades ago, the archetypal hacker was a bored teenager breaking into his school's network to change grades, à la Ferris Bueller. So today, when cybersecurity has become the domain of state-sponsored spy agencies and multibillion-dollar companies, it may be refreshing to know that the high school hacker lives on—as do the glaring vulnerabilities in school software.
At the Defcon hacker conference in Las Vegas today, 18-year-old Bill Demirkapi presented his findings from three years of after-school hacking that began when he was a high school freshman. Demirkapi poked around the web interfaces of two common pieces of software, sold by tech firms Blackboard and Follett and used by his own school. In both cases, he found serious bugs that would allow a hacker to gain deep access to student data. In Blackboard's case in particular, Demirkapi found 5 million vulnerable records for students and teachers, including student grades, immunization records, cafeteria balance, schedules, cryptographically hashed passwords, and photos.
Demirkapi points out that if he, then a bored 16-year-old motivated only by his own curiosity, could so easily access these corporate databases, his story doesn't reflect well on the broader security of the companies holding millions of students' personal information."The access I had was pretty much anything the school had," Demirkapi says. "The state of cybersecurity in education software is really bad, and not enough people are paying attention to it."


Nast, C. (2019). Teen Hacker Finds Bugs in School Software That Exposed Millions of Records. [online] Wired. Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2019].

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