Sunday, October 20, 2019

Business Intelligence - Data Types & Mechanism

Produce a table of examples for unstructured and semi-structured data
Semi-structured data

  • Is the information that is not reside in a rational database but have some organizational properties which is easier to analyze
  • By performing some process, we can store the data in the relation database, but this semi-structured exist to make the space more easier
Unstructured data
  • The data is not organized in a pre-defined manner or it does not have any pre-defined data model
  • This is not good for any mainstream relational database
  • There are alternative platforms to store and manage the data 
  • Used by organizations in variety of business intelligence and analytical applications (Word, PDF)

Explain each type of decision in business and give example (strategic, tactical, operational)
Strategic Decisions
  • It is the most major choices of actions or part in a business enterprise
  • They contribute directly to the achievement goals of the enterprise
  • They have long term implications on the business enterprise
  • Might involve major departures from the procedures 
  • Is unstructured and the manager must apply his business judgement, evaluation, and intuition into defining the problem
  • The decision will be taken to the higher level of management 
Tactical Decisions
  • Relate to the implementation of strategic decisions
  • Directed to developing divisional plans, structuring workflows, establishing distribution channels, acquisition of resources (men, materials, money)
  • This decision will be taken at the middle level of management
Operational Decisions
  • Relate to the day-to-day operations of the enterprise
  • Have short term horizon because they are taken repetitively
  • The decisions are based on the facts regarding to the events and does not need much of the business judgement
  • Taken at lower levels of management
  • The information is needed to help the manager to take rational, well informed decisions, information systems that need to focus on the process of the managerial decision making
Discuss the functionality of business intelligence

Give the advantages and disadvantages of using an application software as a mechanism for business processing
  • Meet the needs of the user because they are designed for only use one specific software to accomplished the task
  • Cannot restrict any access as this can protect their network due to the viruses threat that can be custom made the application is very small
  • The application software that has licensed has a regular updates from the developer in order to have security purposes. The developer will frequently send personnel to correct if the application software has problems that may arise


Your Article Library. (2013). Decisions Making: Strategic, Tactical and Operational Decisions | Business Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2019].

Techspirited. (2019). Advantages And Disadvantages of Application Software You Didn't Know. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2019].

GeeksforGeeks. (2018). Difference between Structured, Semi-structured and Unstructured data - GeeksforGeeks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Oct. 2019].

1 comment:

  1. Very good topic, similar texts are I do not know if they are as good as your work out. data entry appraisal


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