Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Network Protocols & Standards

Research the different network protocols & standards types

  • Brief description
  • Diagram

Network Protocols & Standards
- It is a language used by a system that wish to communicate with one another

Types of network protocols
  1. TCP/IP
  2. Apple talk
  3. UDP
  4. 802.2
  5. 802.3
  6. FDDI
  7. 802.5
- Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
- It breaks data into packet
- The message is divided into packets then the message is delivered with their own IP address and then the message is convert it into bits before sending the message
- This protocol is the most commonly used network protocols
- All computers is connected to the internet uses TCP/IP
- Consists of three (3) main protocols:
  1. TCP (transmission control protocol)
  2. UDP (user datagram protocol)
  3. IP (internet protocol)

- The sender and receiver must agree to have a connection between each other
- This will make sure data transfer is completed successfully or report an error
- To make sure the message will correctly received by the receiver
- It is reliable because you know other side is online

- User Datagram Protocol
- Sending message or information directly without any connection
- It is unreliable because you dont know other side is online or not.

Apple Talk
- Only use for apple products
- Can be implemented into two phases:
Phase 1: small group or network
Phase 2: larger group or network

- Logical link layer
- It is an IEEE 802.2 logical link control (IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- Runs on data link layer of the OSI model
- Think as the translator for the data link layer for the message that will be send to the data link layer, so that the message can be understood by the computer

- Ethernet
- Used by the LAN products that defines CSMA/CD
- Has four (4) data rates:
  1. 10 Base - T Ethernet (10 mbps)
  2. Fast Ethernet (100 mbps)
  3. Gigabyte Ethernet (1000 mbps)
  4. 10 - gigabit ethernet (10 gbps)

- Fiber Distributed Data Interface
- It specifies:
  • 100 mbps token passing
  • dual ring LAN using fiber optic cable
- Using dual ring architecture with traffic on each ring flowing in opposite directions (counter rotating)
- It consists of primary and secondary ring
- During normal operation only 1 ring is used (primary), the other ring is only for backup

- Token ring


Studytonight.com. (2018). [online] Available at: https://www.studytonight.com/computer-networks/images/Figure35-1.png [Accessed 2 May 2018].

Technologyuk.net. (2018). [online] Available at: https://www.technologyuk.net/telecommunications/networks/images/appletalk.gif [Accessed 2 May 2018].

Csc.columbusstate.edu. (2018). [online] Available at: http://csc.columbusstate.edu/summers/NOTES/cs458/chap05/img051.gif [Accessed 2 May 2018].

Mcmcse.com. (2018). [online] Available at: http://www.mcmcse.com/glossary/images/fddi.jpg [Accessed 2 May 2018].

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